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In RushDB, you have the capability to store meaningful data within Records. These Records consist of individual data pieces, each containing keys and their corresponding values - Properties.

Typescript Definition

type MaybeArray<T> = T | T[]
type PropertyType = "number" | "string" | "boolean" | "datetime" | "null"

type DBRecord = {
// autogenerated UUIDv7
__id: string

// Record label (Order, User, Route, ...)
__label: string

// autogenerated map of Record's properties types
__proptypes: Record<string, PropertyType>

// Record's own properties
[key?: string]: MaybeArray<number | string | null | boolean>

Data Example

"__id": "0191b44a-c815-7d40-bf48-b2d1727670d7",
"__label": "ORDER",
"__proptypes": {
"items": "number",
"sum": "number",
"promocode": "string",
"confirmed": "boolean",
"createdAt": "datetime"
"items": 5,
"sum": 232,
"promocode": "3heg09j",
"confirmed": true,
"createdAt": "2024-09-02T19:22:21+0000"

How it works

Consider a Record as a row in a database, with each Property being like a column. Though the inner implementation may involve complex graph structures, at its core, a Record is just an object that holds simple keys and values. You can think of it as a "dictionary", "map", "hash table", or "associative array" depending on your programming language or context.

Create Record


Create single Record

POST /api/v1/records

To create Record in RushDB simply pass one-level object to .create method or through the REST API in body.


await db.records.create("ORDER", {
items: 5,
sum: 232,
promocode: "3heg09j",
confirmed: true,
createdAt: "2024-09-02T19:22:21+0000"


// DBRecord
"__id": "0191b44a-c815-7d40-bf48-b2d1727670d7",
"__label": "ORDER",
"__proptypes": {
"items": "number",
"sum": "number",
"promocode": "string",
"confirmed": "boolean",
"createdAt": "datetime"
"items": 5,
"sum": 232,
"promocode": "3heg09j",
"confirmed": true,
"createdAt": "2024-09-02T19:22:21+0000"

Bulk Create Records


Create Records from JSON-like data:

POST /api/v1/import/json

Create Records from CSV-like data:

POST /api/v1/import/csv

Please note that the maximum payload size for a single request is 24MB.

This API allows you to push data and get it automatically normalized, and labels are generated based on the structure of the payload. The API also suggests data types for each field within the payload. RushDB supports JSON, JSONB and CSV formats, with upcoming support for YAML, NDJSON, XML, and GEXF.

This API facilitates the creation of records and their relationships using a Breadth-First Search (BFS) algorithm, ensuring accurate and efficient connections between data points.


await db.records.createMany("PRODUCT", [
title: "T-Shirt",
price: 50
title: "Sneakers",
price: 135,
uk: 8.5,
qty: 5


// DBRecord[]
"__id": "0191b44a-c815-7d40-bf48-b2d1727670d5",
"__label": "PRODUCT",
"__proptypes": {
"title": "string",
"price": "number"
"title": 'T-Shirt',
"price": 50
"__id": "0191b44a-c815-7d40-bf48-b2d1727670d4",
"__label": "PRODUCT",
"__proptypes": {
"title": "string",
"price": "number"
"title": 'Sneakers',
"price": 135
"__id": "0191b44a-c815-7d40-bf48-b2d1727670d3",
"__label": "SIZE",
"__proptypes": {
"uk": "number",
"qty": "number"
"uk": 8.5,
"qty": 5


Search from root:

POST /api/v1/records/search

Search from specific Record:

POST /api/v1/records/:id/search

Note: When searching from a specific Record, replace :id with the actual ID of the Record you want to start the search from.

To search for Records in RushDB, use the .find method or make a POST request to the REST API endpoint.


await db.records.find("PRODUCT", {
where: {
title: { $contains: "Sneakers" },
uk: { $gte: 8, $lte: 9 },
qty: { $gt: 0 }


// DBRecord[]
"__id": "0191b44a-c815-7d40-bf48-b2d1727670d4",
"__label": "PRODUCT",
"__proptypes": {
"title": "string",
"price": "number"
"title": 'Sneakers',
"price": 135
// ...

Search with Data Aggregation


Search from root:

POST /api/v1/records/search

Search from specific Record:

POST /api/v1/records/:id/search

Note: When searching from a specific Record, replace :id with the actual ID of the Record you want to start the search from.

You can also return records related to a given Record (those that have a Relation with that Record) during the search. Sometimes, you may also need to perform mathematical operations on your data during the search, adding new dynamic fields to the response.

Below, you can see an example that will return all available shoe sizes and also add the minimum and maximum UK size.

Read more about Search with Data Aggregation


await db.records.find("PRODUCT", {
where: {
title: { $contains: "Sneakers" },
// Linking the aggregate field with the where condition
$alias: "$size",
uk: { $lte: 10 },
qty: { $gt: 0 }
aggregate: {
// Add the necessary PRODUCT fields that need to be returned in the Response.
title: "$record.title",
price: "$record.price",
// Return all sizes related to PRODUCT
fn: 'collect',
uniq: true,
alias: '$size',
// Add a field with the minimum and maximum sizes for the found SIZE
minSize: { fn: 'min', field: 'uk', alias: '$size' },
maxSize: { fn: 'max', field: 'uk', alias: '$size' },


// DBRecord[]
"__id": "0191b44a-c815-7d40-bf48-b2d1727670d4",
"__label": "PRODUCT",
"__proptypes": {
"title": "string",
"price": "number"
"title": 'Sneakers'
"price": 135,
"maxSize": 8,
"minSize": 3,
"SIZE": [
"__id": "0193dabd-c783-76f2-bb8f-c18ac915c91b",
"__label": "SIZE",
"uk": 7,
"qty" 2,
// Remaining SIZE properties
"__proptypes": {
"uk": "number",
"qty": "number"
// Other SIZE records
// ...

Get Record


Get single Record

GET /api/v1/records/:id

Note: Replace :id with the actual ID of the Record you want to retrieve.

To retrieve a Record in RushDB, use the .findById method or make a GET request to the REST API endpoint.


const record = await db.records.findById(


// DBRecord
"__id": "0191b44a-c815-7d40-bf48-b2d1727670d4",
"__label": "PRODUCT",
"__proptypes": {
"title": "string",
"price": "number"
"title": 'Sneakers',
"price": 135

Update Record


Update single Record

PUT /api/v1/records/:id

Note: Replace :id with the actual ID of the Record you want to update.

To update a Record in RushDB, use the .update method or make a PUT request to the REST API endpoint.


await db.records.update("0191b44a-c815-7d40-bf48-b2d1727670d7", {
sum: 250,
confirmed: false


// Updated DBRecord
"__id": "0191b44a-c815-7d40-bf48-b2d1727670d7",
"__label": "ORDER",
"__proptypes": {
"items": "number",
"sum": "number",
"promocode": "string",
"confirmed": "boolean",
"createdAt": "datetime"
"items": 5,
"sum": 250,
"promocode": "3heg09j",
"confirmed": false,
"createdAt": "2024-09-02T19:22:21+0000"

Delete Records


Delete single Record

DELETE /api/v1/records/:id

Note: Replace :id with the actual ID of the Record you want to delete.

To delete a Record in RushDB, use the .delete method or make a DELETE request to the REST API endpoint.


await db.records.delete("0191b44a-c815-7d40-bf48-b2d1727670d7")


// Successful deletion
"success": true,
"message": "Record successfully deleted"

Endpoints Overview

The Records API provides several endpoints for managing and interacting with Records. Here's an overview of all available endpoints in this section:

POST/api/v1/recordsCreate a single Record
POST/api/v1/records/:idCreate a single Record as a child of a specific Record
GET/api/v1/records/:idRetrieve a single Record
POST/api/v1/records/searchSearch for Records from the root (all data in the project)
POST/api/v1/records/:id/searchSearch for Records from a specific Record to its nested children
PUT/api/v1/records/:idUpdate a single Record
PUT/api/v1/records/deleteDelete Records by criteria
DELETE/api/v1/records/:idDelete a single Record
POST/api/v1/records/:id/propertiesGet detailed list of Record's Properties

Each endpoint is designed to perform specific operations on Records, allowing you to create, read, update, delete, and search for Records within your project. The following sections provide more detailed information about each operation.