In the realm of real-world data and a human-centric mindset, there may arise a need to store nested data within Records. In the context of RushDB, this becomes a critical requirement in order to maintain simplicity and eliminate the layers of abstraction that exist between the raw data and our conceptual understanding of it.
This is precisely why we have engineered RushDB to have the capability to contain Records within other Records. While each individual Record remains distinct and accessible on its own, you retain the flexibility to structure your data in a manner that aligns with your thought process.
How it works
Here is basic example of nested data in the way the human beings are thinking of it:
const data = {
Person: {
Name: "John Galt",
Age: 30,
Contact: {
Email: "",
Phone: "123-456-7890"
Address: {
Street: "123 Main Street",
City: "Anytown",
State: "CA",
ZipCode: "12345"
As you may be aware, there's no need to manually define a schema for your data in RushDB because it handles this process automatically. In this example, RushDB will transform the data into 3 Records and 8 Properties, each with its appropriate data type. Moreover, RushDB will assign Labels based on the inherent data structure automatically.
This structure is flexible and can be modified easily if necessary. You have the freedom to rearrange Records within the structure as needed. Additionally, RushDB doesn't limit Relations to just child and parent connections. To learn more about different types of Record Relations, visit the Relations documentation.