📄️ Importing Data Without Registering Models
When working with RushDB SDK, creating models like Author, Post, and Blog repositories allows us to define clear TypeScript contracts, ensuring type safety and better development experience. However, in many scenarios, you might need to quickly import data from external sources, such as JSON files, without going through the process of registering models.
📄️ CRUD Operations without Model Registration
While registering models with Model provides strong TypeScript support and a clear structure, you can also perform CRUD operations directly using the RestAPI methods in the RushDB class. This approach allows you to interact with your data without predefining models, offering flexibility for quick operations or dynamic use cases.
📄️ Managing Labels and Properties
In RushDB, labels and properties are crucial for defining and organizing your data models. Labels act as categories or tags for your records, while properties define the structure and data types of the records themselves. This section covers how to manage labels and properties using the RushDB SDK.