📄️ SearchQuery
The SearchQuery type is used to define the criteria for querying records in the RushDB SDK. It allows you to specify filters, sorting, pagination, and related records to be retrieved.
📄️ SearchQueryWhere
The SearchQueryWhere type is used to define the filtering conditions for a query. It supports logical grouping and field-specific conditions.
📄️ SearchQueryLogicalGrouping
The SearchQueryLogicalGrouping type is used to define logical groupings for combining multiple conditions in a query.
📄️ BooleanValue
The BooleanValue type is used to define conditions for boolean fields in a query.
📄️ DatetimeValue
The DatetimeValue type is used to define conditions for datetime fields in a query.
📄️ NumberValue
The NumberValue type is used to define conditions for number fields in a query.
📄️ StringValue
The StringValue type is used to define conditions for string fields in a query.
📄️ NullValue
The NullValue type is used to define conditions for null fields in a query.