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The SearchQueryLogicalGrouping type is used to define logical groupings for combining multiple conditions in a query.

Type Definition

type SearchQueryLogicalGrouping<T extends FlatObject | Schema = Schema> =
Record<'$AND' | '$NOT' | '$OR' | '$XOR', Enumerable<SearchQueryCondition<T>>>;



  • Type: SearchQueryCondition[]
  • Optional: Yes

Combines multiple conditions using a logical AND.


  • Type: SearchQueryCondition[]
  • Optional: Yes

Combines multiple conditions using a logical OR.


  • Type: SearchQueryCondition[]
  • Optional: Yes

Negates the combined conditions.


  • Type: SearchQueryCondition[]
  • Optional: Yes

Combines multiple conditions using a logical XOR.

Example Usage

Here is an example of how to use logical groupings in a query:

const queryWhere: SearchQueryWhere<typeof AuthorSchema> = {
$AND: [
{ age: { $gt: 25 } },
{ name: { $startsWith: 'A' } }

In this example:

  • The query filters records where the age field is greater than 25 or the name field starts with 'A'.