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The SearchQuery type is used to define the criteria for querying records in the RushDB SDK. It allows you to specify filters, sorting, pagination, and related records to be retrieved.

Type Definition

type SearchQuery<T extends FlatObject | Schema = Schema> =
SearchQueryCommonParams<T> & SearchQueryWhereClause<T> & { includes?: never };

type SearchQueryCommonParams<T extends FlatObject | Schema = Schema> = {
labels?: string[];
limit?: number;
orderBy?: SearchQueryOrderBy<T>;
skip?: number;

type SearchQueryOrderBy<T extends FlatObject | Schema = Schema> =
| 'asc'
| 'desc'
| SearchQueryOrderByMap<T>;

type SearchQueryOrderByMap<T extends FlatObject | Schema = Schema> =
Partial<Record<keyof T, 'asc' | 'desc'>>;



  • Type: string[]
  • Optional: Yes

An array of labels to filter the records by their assigned labels.


  • Type: number
  • Optional: Yes

Limits the number of records returned by the query.


  • Type: SearchQueryOrderBy
  • Optional: Yes

Defines the order in which the records should be returned. It can be a string ('asc' | 'desc') or an object mapping fields to their respective sort order.


  • Type: number
  • Optional: Yes

Specifies the number of records to skip before starting to return results.


  • Type: SearchQueryWhere
  • Optional: Yes

Defines the filtering conditions for the query. It is an object mapping field names to their respective conditions.

Example Usage

Here is an example of how to define a query using SearchQuery:

const query: SearchQuery<typeof AuthorSchema> = {
limit: 10,
orderBy: { createdAt: 'desc' },
skip: 5,
where: {
$AND: [
{ age: { $gt: 25 } },
{ name: { $startsWith: 'A' } }

In this example:

  • The query limits the results to 10 records.
  • It orders the results by the createdAt field in descending order.
  • It skips the first 5 records.
  • It filters the records where the age field is greater than 25 and the name field starts with 'A'.